Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Final Farewell

Well kids, we are at the very end of the Piscean age and goddammit its going out with a big ass bang! 

In case you've been under a rock somewhere let me inform you of the very Piscean hoopla going on in the small town of Columbia, Missouri at the University of Missouri-Columbia. A student by the name of Jonathan Butler decided to sacrifice himself for the greater good of all his colored comrades. He boldly declared that he would go on a hunger strike until Tim Wolfe, the University president resigned.  

Wow. Thats really intense right? He eloquently articulated the he would refrain from nourishing his body with any substances and was willing to do so until his internal organs suffered irreversible damage and he ultimately slipped away. This declaration naturally brought widespread attention to the schools various activist groups that had been staging demonstrations on the campus the previous months before Jonathan's act of compassion.

Wolfe is being accused of looking the other way when racist events happen against students of color on the campus. Melonated students, alumni and faculty are all in an uproar and yelling out that they deserve to be fairly included. They're not just asking but literally demanding (yes, an activist group #ConcernedStudent1950 has made out a list of demands for the University) a chance to integrate fully into the larger system that is Mizzou.

Tim Wolfe. Look at this fucker tho...what do you expect from him?

So, how is all this related to the Age of the Fishes? So glad you asked...

Pisces is the last of the 12 signs and their motif is self sacrifice. They go about their lives making small sacrifices for others, thus they are the sign of compassion and unconditional love. Willing to do anything for those that they love, they will even go as far as killing themselves. Butlter, whether conscious of it or not has stepped onto the galactic stage and put on the final dramatic show dedicated to the exiting energy of Pisces. He was willing to give his life for his fellow colored cohort. Frustrated, fearless and with love in his heart he genuinely planned to die for the cause of integration; which is another theme of the fishes. 

Now, being the final sign, it naturally has a bit of all the other signs within it. Thus it is super easy for pisces to fit in with any crowd, go along with the flow of anything and relate to almost anyone. Integration is a Piscean theme that our ancestors marched for. Were jailed for. Bit up by dogs for. Sprayed with high pressure water for. And ultimately died for. 

Yes, we have seen lots of sacrifice over the years for the sake of inclusion into a system that is repulsed by our very existence. 

In the year 2000 we began the shift from passive, 'we shall overcome', begging to be loved Age of Pisces to the wild, eclectic and rebellious Age of Aquarius. 

The water bearer does not beg for membership...it simply creates its own club. The sign of Aquarius is waaaay different from Pisces but still holds the same theme: equality and love for all. However these energies have two completely different ways of achieving this.

Ladies and Gentleman...buckle up because shit is about to get real. 
        Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

Aquarius does not care about being different and has no intention at all of integrating with anything that boxes it in, abuses it or above all does not accept it for what it is. This sign simply wants to be  in all its far-out glory without any judgement! If there is no space that exists where this can happen naturally and above all freely this flighty sign will boldly build its own way. 

Marching to be accepted? Following the rules of an institution that doesn't allow true freedom? Dying to integrate into a system that wouldn't spit on you if you were engulfed in flames? 
Nah...those ideologies needs to perish along with the fading energy of Pisces. Information and facts become more important than dramatic emotionally charged displays of discontent. 

In the coming years, the children born with this electric energy (you know, those millennium babies that are tearing shit up right now)  naturally running through them will begin the necessary research of examining the nature of the system we, their elders, so desperately want to be a part of. They will then turn to those hanging on to the 'integrate or die trying' attitude and inquire with wild blue flame curiosity:

"Would you demand that a wolf not howl at the full moon?" 

Bewildered, we will snap back at the children,

"Of course not! This is what it naturally does. This is what it was designed to do and to ask it to change is erroneous and ludicrous!"

They will smile a rebelliously sinister smile and retort, "Exactly."

Until Next Time Sistar-Friends...

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