Monday, December 30, 2013

Black Folks:

I've been turning a question over in my head for quite some time now; Is it possible that Africans are ALL AT ONCE? Now let me explain...

We know that we have this continent to thank for modern civilization, architect, art & music, astrology, science, mathematics, culture, religion, people, gold, water, pyramids, hip-hop, all around dopeness, (did I miss anything?) BUT for some strange reason we have began to believe that all of this dopeness derived from ONE single culture and belief system.

This couldnt be further from the truth...

Seriously...look at this seriously go pull up a map or something then honestly say to yourself that EVERY damn nation in the ancient world operated under identical systems (yes, they had similar principles but they WERE NOT identical)...this leads me into my next point...

I truly believe it is the ego that asserts that every black in America is either this or that. There is no room for flexibility with some folks...this is dangerous. Until we can accept our diversity and come together on common grounds (i.e. we all black and in the same boat in America...aint that good enough?) we will never get anywhere...

In short, whether you read the bible, koran, study the stars, ect IT DONT MATTER as long as it points back to AFRICA. The only issue we have is when it condemns our homeland (I'm not about to go in on the groups that do...thats another post y'all!).

When we can do this I'M POSITIVE we will begin to rise out of our situation.

Now that's UTILIZING THE FEMININE PRINCIPLE... more on this later.

Peace, Love and Progress

Asata K.A.