Monday, October 26, 2015

Current Line Up:

P e r s o n a l   P l a n e t s 

Sun: Scorpio
Our Star of the Solar System has now moved into the mysterious, deep sign of Scorpio. Now is a time to look deep into your own Ego and determine what needs to undergo a transformation. 

Moon: Taurus
Technically this planet moves into the Bull on Oct. 27 but ehhhh...whatever. For some super cool info about the super full moon coming up see our awesome post below!

Mercury: Libra
Fair, and unbiased thinking will flow easier at this time. Any disputes that need solving? Now is the best time to hash it out. 

Mars: Virgo
The planet of action is in the meticulous sign of the Virgin. Now is a good time to do go back and double check your work for any errors. The details matter a lot at this time. Use this energy to begin to fix, mend or heal any area of your life.

Venus: Virgo 
Work is more enjoyable at this time. Routine is key. Utilize this energy to create a method to the madness of your day. Get a to-do list going and feel accomplished as you happily complete and cross off each task.

O u t e r   P l a n e t s /  G e n e r a t i o n a l   P l a n e t s 

Jupiter: Virgo 
Being the planet of faith and philosophy perhaps this is the year that some will begin to take a more practical approach to faith, spirituality and philosophy. We are less interested in the razzle dazzle of faith and higher learning. Practically is valued over status right now. 

Saturn: Sagittarius
Serious ass Saturn is kicking back and cutting loose for a change in this expansive sign. Now we will focus on building a structure to accomplish our big ambitions. We feel a push to work on our BIG visions for ourself and our lives. We are willing to put in the work to see our larger than life ideas manifest into the physical. 

Uranus: Aires
The rebel planet is taking a trip through rambunctious ass Aires. Expect an uproar and possible chaos. We are looking at structures and instituions that no longer serves us or allows us to be the best that we can be. Wrecklessness can occur with this combination. Take a few deeps breaths every now and again. 

Pluto: Capricorn 
As a whole we are ready for change and transformation with the structures around us. We now begin to ask the question, "What needs to go?" We are ready to burn it all and like the phoenix watch a new way of being rise out of the ashes.

Its SUPER important to know where the planets are transiting. Being hip on where they are enables you to track them in your own natal chart. Tracking these guys can help you anticipate events that may occur due to the energy they are providing. 

You can also use the energy available to help manifest the life you desire! 

Until next time Sistar-Friends...Keep your head in the Stars! 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Super Moon in Taurus "Defining Your Worth"

We are once again upon completing another (and final) Super Moon cycle. On October 27th, the full moon will announce her presence in the sign of the bull, Taurus. As we begin to live out the "I Am" affirmations that we boldly declared under the Aries Blood Moon, we now have a new agenda to recognize our most treasured resources, and focus on what we HAVE (even if you don't "literally" have it yet).  But before we go casting our spells willy-nilly into the Universe, let's embrace the super power of Taurus by slowing down, and get a better understanding of the energies we are working with....

Taurus is a fixed, feminine Earth sign, ruled by the planet Venus. That being said, already we know that Taurus is stable, receptive, sensual, and pleasure-seeking. It is the part of Venus that governs whatever makes us feel good, according to our five senses. On a deeper level, Taurus governs our value system, which should ultimately extend outside of our physical and material comforts. Not that there is anything wrong with secretly wishing to wake up in a new Bugatti, or celebrating the fact that bae finally finally "put a (fat diamond) ring on it," the ultimate lesson that Venus is trying to give us here is to find what it is we truly value internally, within ourselves. 

Each of us are blessed with divine and unique talents and skills that we all at some point take for granted. They go unappreciated and, ironically, we look to things outside ourselves to make us feel validated (where my shopaholics at???). But if we truly want to feel worthy and bring more abundance into our lives, we must first find value in our innate capabilities; gifts that we already HAVE. By doing so, we experience a boost in our self-esteem, and we send out the signal to the Universe that we are already happy, healthy and rich. This gives her permission to reflect this energy back to us by giving unlimited abundance. Why? Because we deserve it. Says who? Says you!

You earned it!! (hate him and this song btw...but u get my point)

My advice for the coming days would be watch your thoughts and how you feel about yourself. Even if you are in a bad place, and don't find much value in who you are, start with your "I Am" statements (make however many you want to!) and work from there. You are whoever you say you are and it is ultimately up to you to define your own worth. Look to see what sign Venus falls in in your natal chart and study the unique qualities and characteristics associated with that sign. Celebrate and be unapologetic about them! My Venus is in the quirky sign of Aquarius. My affirmation has been, "I am beautiful, intelligent, funny, open-minded and compassionate!" Now that I know what I am, I know what it is that I value within myself. Taurus, once again, is a fixed sign, and when we discover what it is we value internally, we will build a solid, indisputable understanding of who we are and what we're worth :)

Alicia Keys 'A Woman's Worth'
If you need some suggestions on affirmations for your Venus sign, leave a comment below!