Thursday, January 9, 2014



The Black Woman is God because she is the source. This powerful concept may be hard to grasp simply because some may not have opened their minds to different definitions of what GOD is.

I believe that GOD is the source of everything, I don't so much believe in a domineering God looking down on us waiting on us to fuck up so he can call up his homeboy Satan to drag us underground into a pit of fire. I don't see GOD as something superior to myself. I see GOD as something within me. Now, I do believe in a supreme force that created everything. But I like to look at it like this:

Imagine this supreme force as an ocean...and we are cups out of that ocean. No, we are not bigger than the ocean BUT we are of it. We hold the same make up, the same divinity. Everything that the ocean is, we are. It is our SOURCE. Get it? does this relate to Black Women you say? Thought you'd never ask...

Black woman are literally the source. It is theorized that a Black Hole is responsible for spitting out or Galaxy...It is a black hole that spit us out! The first human on the planet was a black woman. A skeleton by the name of Lucy was found in Africa and was said to be the oldest human remains discovered to date. So, this means that she and only the Universe knows how many other Black Women had to have given birth to humanity and the world as we know it today.

She is the physical source. She is the physical manifestation of GOD.

Peace, Love and Progress

-Kali A.