Thursday, October 17, 2013

Deep like the River

My pain runs deep…
Like the river.
It threatens to drown me.
Heart shattered to pieces.
Like the mirror.
The shards lay around me.
The water and glass reflect a face
It scars me.
Eyes jet black
No white in sight.
Like the deep abyss of the galaxies above
My pain knows no ending.
My growth becomes more familiar with the concept
Of forever because
My pain runs deep…
Like the river.


But what of love and happiness?
The joy of being...
Regardless of where you are in life.
Weather that be in the belly of the beast.
In the depths of hell...
Or swirling around in heavenly bliss.

To dance with your devils and demons and find divinity in them.
Know the divinity within yourself. Experience the love it offers.

Know the divinity enough to get down with the devil.
And not get burned...Unless of course

Fire is your thing.


Every 3rd Thursday of the month we will release a few poems for y'all to enjoy. Hope you like them!

-Queen K.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Talk about the Matrix


Frustration sets in as I realize I've been almost 25 years a slave. Since 1989 its been instilled in me to go to school...get a job...and work...for someone else. I followed this path, even though it was obvious that it was leading me to a dead end...I followed it because like so many others in the world I asked myself: What else is there to do out here?!

So I was enslaved to Mizzou for about 5 yrs only to graduate and transfer my servitude to a different company that bought the piece of paper that told them I passed a series of tests over the subject of Psychology. Now I toil away from 8 to 5 feeling like Neo in the middle of the Matrix. 

I searched for whats real in this superficial world. I directed my search lights around the country contemplating Grad School. The application process alone gave me severe anxiety! The thought of having to sit through another program that purposely excludes my history (even though african folks have literally done EVERYTHING) seemed pointless to me. And not to mention I was already over 30 grand in debt and 4-5 yrs of Grad school would make it impossible to pay back.

I was stuck...can anybody feel what I was going through? 

Swear I felt like a runaway slave at times! He can feel me

I was searching for my metaphorical Morphius to free me from the Matrix that is school, jobs and everything that is offered in this society. Now I know y'all probably like, 'girl what are you talking about? You not going back to school?! You tripping...what else can you do out here?!' Let me explain...

I became desperate for answers. I looked high and low for options and stumbled over a gentleman DR. SEBI whom TAUGHT HIMSELF everything he knew. He basically runs his own health business. No degree. No schooling. And curing dis-eases this world deems terminal. I was amazed and estatic to see this man doing his thang! I ran into more incredible people who took up subjects and taught themselves (an astrologer, a lawyer, a real estate agent). An idea began to arise within me. At first I ignored it and labeled it impossible.

But what is impossible if more than a mindset? My escape story from the Matrix may not be as dope as Neo's (even though I wish it was...) and some may look at me and think I'm bat shit crazy...I'm OK with this. I'm beginning to see the programming in front of me (i.e. go to school, get a job, blah, blah, blah, enslavement!). Even though I haven't figured everything out, I KNOW that the previous route is not for me. I value my freedom.

Thus, I am on this road! Walk with us as we develop this company. Two self taught goddesses delivering the message of the Universe...

Peace, Love and Progress

-Jeanie L.H.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Boss Bitch: Amazons, Goddesses, and Battle Rappers, oh MY!

Queen of the Ring is known as the "Global Female Movement" in Hip-Hop which consists of talented lyrical artists, feisty battle raps, and hip-hop couture. Hosted by former "Making the Band" member, BABS BUNNY, and rap artist VAGUE, Queen of the Ring blends traditional hip-hop sparring with modern "boss chick" swag. Now, before I get the "nigg-nore" for using the phrase "boss chick" (or boss bitch, as others might say), I want to take some time to dissect the true meaning and essence of the word, at least from my point of view.

Queen of the Ring introduces a variety of female rappers who have utilized their surroundings and experiences to wreck havoc in the ring, wielding their voices as weapons. Typically, it's girl on girl (no pun, I pwomise), in the ring as they battle one another for hard hitting punch lines, "OH NO YOU DIIINT" jokes, and outlandishly fab performances. It's action packed, exciting, and sure to get you hyped up, ready to slap a bi...jk, jk. But it really is a sight to see, and the women are absolutely incredible. Their confidence, cockiness (no trannies, I swear), and pure intellect make you wonder how black women, through all the drama, hood tragedies, and b.s. oppression could come to appear so regal in all our efforts. Yes, these women curse, throw insults, and make threats, but at the end of each battle, you see both sports come together to shake hands, hug, or somehow pay their respect to their opponent. It's all love yall, just tough love! What impresses me the most, above anything else, is their level of community. Yes, we women are communal creatures, and this is something our ancient foremothers practiced for the sake of survival. Where would we women be if it were not for one another?

Long ago, toward the fall of Kemet, women fled in search for a place that would not threaten their matriarchal practice of paying homage to the Great Mother. Newly discovered patriarchy threatened this way of life for many, and women took it upon themselves to keep these traditions alive. Amazons, said to have come out of Libya, soon became the military front for these civilizations that were built in honer of the Great Mother. They were the protectresses, the pioneers, and the warriors of this space, shocking many opposing male militia with their overwhelming power and strength. Greek armies were sent running scared against the Amazons, terrified by their ability to haul ass and take names later (if at all). What do these ancient women share with the trash talking, thug walking, "ain't scared of no nigga" female battle rappers of "Queen of the Ring"? Well, they too are protectresses, pioneers, and warriors in a time where hip-hop is lookin like "Ratchet on Steroids". These women have once again incorporated themselves in a space that has shut the Mother out, the one who gave birth to all this glorious music. Don't forget that music has always been associated with the Great Goddess, and hip-hop is no exception.

We forget about "Ladies First" and bob our heads to the degradation and foolery of our men, who hardly ever seem to pay homage to the women who helped to make hip-hop what it was and is today, ratchet or not. Instead, we are reduced to video vixens (not knocking that), side-kick chicks, and nameless groupies (unless, of course, you have a tell all). Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that women, together, can bring anything to life; we can make anything happen. WE have to make our voices be heard and relevant again, whether the world is listening or not. Oh, but when it rains....yall know the rest! Imagine how afraid those bitchass Greeks must have been when they heard the rumbles of the Amazons, ready to send niggas straight to hell in a heartbeat! Well, now is our turn, modern day Amazons. We have paid to cost to be the boss, and it is surely time to take heed to our greatness.

So what is a Boss Chick/Bitch? She's every aspect of a Goddess, an Amazon, and a female battle rapper. She is confident. She is Cocky. She knows exactly who she is and why she is what she is. She waits for no ones approval, only her own. So be a boss, ladies, and don't take no smack from nobody. And most importantly, bring your sistas with you, cuz you gon need some back up!

Check out my girls on Queen of the Ring. They so feisty yall don't even know!

Much Luv
-S. Sapphire

Rachet Ass Hoe!

We were like spaghetti and Parmesan cheese; the perfect match. It had almost been a decade since we last saw each other but there she was, in the flesh and to my surprise shorter than I (anytime I can meet someone shorter than me I’m ecstatic!). It was as if time and thousands of miles didn’t separate us and we hit it off once more. The gentle Pisces and the feisty Aries, we’re an unlikely match but alike in more ways than three.

My cousin was more than willing to be escorted around our city with my sister and I. After being lost for more than half our trip around downtown St. Louis we decided to go where we knew: The Delmar Loop. Inevitably, the conversation of sex arose amongst us as we strolled about the loop taking in the scenery (y’all heard that TLC song…girls talk about the booty too!). My cousin would jokingly announce, ‘Fuck it! I’m living my 20s ratchetly!’ This declaration was made to justify what one would consider ‘lose’ behavior. I threw my head back and let out a gut laugh at her exclamation. I was amused by her cocksure proclamation of rachetdom (yes, I just made this word up…don’t judge me!). I was also delighted at how similar our mindsets were even though we hadn’t spoken in years!

Prior to this event, I to had begun to call myself a hoe! Now hear me out…I know I just lost a few of y’all but for those who are listening here is my justification!

As mentioned in a previous post, black women are taught to ‘keep ya legs closed’ and ‘cover your goodies (i.e. boobies, fun bags, tig ol bitties, etc.). Our sex and sex-personality, as I like to call it, has been completely muted. Any exclamation or assertion over and about our ‘goodies’ often result in malicious accusations of hoeing around. We begin to think about sex as a matter only to be discussed in hushed voices and behind closed doors so no one can catch an earful of the insidious yet glorious details. No, I’m not saying gather up your girlfriends and bullhorns to parade around public areas shouting out sinful things you would do to Idris Elba (no matter how fun it sounds…this is NOT the suggestion!). What I am saying is that black women need to begin to define sexuality for their individual self.

There was a time in our human history when women screwed whom ever they pleased and men and the world at large had no complaints about this. In fact it is said that if a child were to be conceived out of her union with someone, the village would help raise the kid; calling every elder black male ‘uncle’ to ensure a male figure in their life. This was truly a time were god and goddess consciousness were flowing like tap water. Since these times, we have been brainwashed about what sexuality should and shouldn’t look like.

As a whole, when it comes to sex America responds like pre-pubescent teeny boppers who sprouted one ball hair a week and some days ago.

Get my drift…we are immature.

Ironically, we literally sell sex in this very environment (this can be confusing to say the least). This environment can become difficult to navigate and become firm in your sexuality, especially for black women.

Black women make up the majority of churches. 
These churches are teaching that even THINKING about sex will send that ass right to hell (don’t pass go…don’t collect $200). Having been a victim of this indoctrination myself, I can say that I’m sitting in the front of that struggle bus. Having your libido tell you one thing and your white Jesus another can be particularly painful (I wont go in on church and sexuality…that’s another post).

In addition to believing that we should wait until he puts a ring on it, we deal with the reality that black women are seen as sex kittens. With the twerking phenomenon in full effect black women are now being reduced to nothing but jiggling asses and bouncing boobies.

Do you see where I’m going? Our sexuality has been reduced down to a virgin/whore dichotomy.

Now, back to my hoe declaration. In our society there are few realities that we need to face. As women, especially black women we have little to NO control over our bodies. As stated previously any assertion over our bodies result in the title of hoe (slut, bed wench, jezebel, etc.) being slapped on. This assertion can take many forms and may be different for different women; just like sexuality. If I want to wear shorts that show off my fabulously toned thighs, I’m labeled a hoe. If I want to have sex with someone before I’m married…I’m a hoe. Having grown tired of this labeled being thrown on to me, I began to redefine it for myself.

Of course, I’m aware of the negative connotations behind this word ( I use it in a joking way people…sheesh loosen up!). But if being a hoe means wearing clothes that show my body, sleeping with whom I feel deserves the goodies and speaking openly about what I like then SO BE IT! I’ll take that title and make it look good dammit! I believe as long as my spirit isn’t troubled and I don’t abuse my body and sex then I can live with being a ‘hoe’.

My cousin and I are in a quest for balance. Contrary to popular belief (be it religious or mainstream) balance is not the same for everyone. Her being an Aries, she is a bit brash and playful about sex (having asked one of our waiters to ‘bust her sandwich open and spread that mayo on!’) while I am more of a coy type on the surface. Both approaches are right when we expand our minds outside of religious and mainstream insanity.

Wont you live as hoes in rachetdom with us?

Peace, Love and Progress

-Queen K.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


So recently I decided to stop wearing bras, and most of the time when I go out, I don't wear panties either. Not only is this feeling very comfortable and simplistic, it is also very healthy for us, women, as well. Now, some of yall might look at this and think, "Ok, this trick is crazy. Aint no way in hell I'm doin that," and this could be for various reasons. While some women are just not comfortable with their bodies being "exposed", others feel that this may be a "hoe-like" thing to do. Well, in response to the latter, I would have to question what your definition of a "hoe" is, and why this is a "bad" thing, and to the former, well, I'd have to ask what it is about your body that you feel may be exposed and why this is a bad thing as well? Women in ancient times have been known to "let it all hang out" with no shame, and even in many traditional African cultures today, women openly expose their breasts, and in some cases, "a lil mo dandat". So why is it that in 2013 America, where black women can twerk all over the goddamn place and commodify their "ASSets", we can't comfortably ditch the undergarments and accept the slight "jiggles" that may come along with it? How is this hurting us and why do we need this to change?

Dancing women of South Africa

Well, as you all should know, Blac Kat is all about restoring goddess consciousness, and bringing back old traditions in which today may seem a bit taboo to us black folk. In ancient matriarchal cultures, stemming from Nubia to Kemet, and eventually all over the freakin world, the breasts (titties, ta-tas, boobs, melons, etc...) and the yoni (vagina, coochie, pussy, honey-pot, etc...) were held up as spiritual motifs of the Divine Creatrix. These symbols represented maternity and fertility, as well as sexuality, all associated with the great ancestral mother (Mama Universe). While these things once symbolized greatness in ancient times, today, our bodies have become diseased through the loss of goddess consciousness, seen in conditions such as breast cancer, fibroid tumors, and our open participation to the hypersexual desires of men (i.e. music videos, pornography, hollywood films, and anywhere else where women have lost complete and total control over the representation of our bodies).

So what does this have to do with bras and panties? It's no secret that your "vicky secrets" are hindering and blocking the energy flow within. How? Well, your breasts and vagina are living organs and energy centers, apart of your 2nd and 4th chakras, in which need to be free from too much restraint.  Yes, just like your hair, skin, arms and legs, your breasts and vagina need not be covered all the time, as this blocks the flow of air (which is especially important for the vagina) and weakens the proper functions of the body. The muscles of the breast, which are typically covered by a tough underwired bra, may lose their ability to properly hold up and support the breast (yep, they naturally do that), which in the long run is what actually causes "sagging titties". Where energy is blocked against the body, toxins get the opportunity to accumulate and situate, which in turn presents us with some of the issues mentioned in the preceding paragraph. On a conscious level, women are told to "keep our legs closed" and "cover up your boobs" as if to say we put our bodies on sexual display for perverts to lust and drool over. As a result, young girls grow up to be ashamed of their bodies, and even worse, have absolutely no idea what they should be used for.

Contrary to traditional feminist ideals, the dress was not set in place to make women inferior, but rather to complement our biological makeup. Tight pants and bras limit our bodily functions, keeping us locked into the patriarchal mindset of "anything men can do, we can do..."Keep in mind that our bodies are uniquely ours, and we must be the ones to decide what is and what is not the proper care for them. This is not to say that all women should wear dresses, as the versatility in fashion now permits us to wear different pants and shorts styles (the romper being my personal fave) of a "flowy" nature. That flow complements our menstrual/energy flow. Just think, it can sure as hell ruin your mood when your clothes are fitting so tight to the point where you are uncomfortable, which fucks up your thinking a bit too. Today, black women need to be on their toes and ready for the world, and we can do it comfortably, sensually, and of course, fashionably. So reclaim your goddess consciousness, and let your goodies hang free!

Below are some examples of flowy, energy-conscious fashions:

Sassy Bodysuits

Flirty Rompers

Sensual Maxis

Fun Summer Dresses

Fashionable Harem Pants