Monday, December 2, 2013

So...Is the black woman GOD?? DEBATE DECEMBER 7, 2013

I LOVE mental sparring aka debates (I blame it on my Mercury in Aquarius squaring Mars...). So any chance I get to watch one I take it! Debates become especially interesting if I can insert my humble opinion and when this occurs you better believe I dive in faster than Trey Songz! My love for squaring opinions led me to a channel on YouTube, SA NETER TV (Alternative channel is SANETERTV7). Sa Neter is an active member of the New York Conscious community and on top of being a videographer he works to put together debates between the different schools of thought that exist within the community. His most recent endeavor is the Hebrew Isrealites or ISUPK vs the head of Nu-Covenant, Brother Polight.

Brother Polight

Tazaryach of ISUPK

Now one of the issues they will be discussing is, Is the Black Woman God? I side with Brother Polight on this question and answer vehemently YES! I wont lie, I'm just getting into the concept of the Goddess religions that existed LONG before the emergence of a Fatherly heaven figure despite my limited knowledge, logically it just makes the most sense to me. If we can admit that the first human being emerged from African and was a WOMAN wouldn't it make sense that those who came from her would see her as God? I mean, she is LITERALLY the creator (she populated the globe...if that's not creation at its finest I don't know what is...).

Now ISUPK are reading from the bible, a doctrine that all but condemns women (I retract that last statement, it DOES condemn women). I wont lie and say I'm fluent on their beliefs and the bible period nor am I condemning those who associate with this group. BUT I think its safe to say that they COMPLETELY disagree with this claim stating that "life is in the rod" (A mans penis for the slow ones out there. They are kinda ignoring the fact that a woman can reproduce on her own...yes she can y'all look that shit up!). I respect them for going up against Brother Polight but in the end...


I predict that Polight will DEMOLISH them or at least instill doubt in a few of their members! 

But the best outcome will be that we as a black community and all of its factions are beginning to build with one another and that's a BEAUTIFUL thing!

Peace, Love and Progress

-Queen K.

I don't know about y'all but I'm SUPER GEEKED for this debate...if you not yet maybe this will get you a lil hot! :)

Random Inspiration for the Goddess in Doubt

Ladies, let us reiterate this....




I refuse to fit into ANYBODY mold that doesn't fit me! PERIOD. I mean this from the bottom of my soul, I don't give TWO FUCKS about anybody's opinion about my lifestyle, sexuality, personality ect. AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU!

So..take your dogma, patriarchy, religious bullshit and ideas of what a woman should be elsewhere, please. 

Live freely! Love freely! Progress endlessly!

-Blac Kat