Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Healing Super Moon in Pisces


Today the moon reaches her peak in the dreamy, psychic sign of Pisces. The fishes are a loving compassionate water sign. So emotions may run high today. Careful not to drown others in your feelings or be drowned. On the other hand you may feel more relaxed and inclined to day dreaming. Pisces are one of the most creative signs of the Zodiac. Take advantage of this beautiful energy hitting the planet and attempt something creative today. It may turn out better than expected.

This full moon is the last Super Moon of the year and the brightest. Try to focus your thoughts and energies on letting go and going with the flow of things. Stressed about something? This is a great placement to meditate on powers greater than yourself and remember that ultimately, these Universal powers are in control. Release your worries, fears and inhibitions. Healing must ensue from this point on. Pisces is a healing sign as well. So all those psychic scars are now beginning to scab over and commence the healing process.

 Its time to celebrate with love and compassion, hell go all out and really get into the theme of things and have a drink or two! And from one fish to another…drink responsibly. Happy Manifesting.

Today’s meditation for the Super Moon in Pisces:

‘It’s All Good Bruh!’

Super Full Moon


Well now, we have reached the full moon: the final stage and highest peak of the growing moon. So far, you have been visualizing, planning and working things out. Now here is where you kick back and celebrate your hard work. I myself, usually burn the spells I have been sitting on for the previous phases of the moon. Symbolizing the release and celebration of the energy into the Universe. During this phase we ejaculate our hard work and desires into the Universe and she births them! You, however, may do what ever you like in commemoration of your accomplishments. It’s your thang honey!

The Full moon represents the highest energy cycle of the moon and you’re in luck this go round because this full moon is particularly powerful! This time she is considered the Super Moon and will be one of the brightest of the year. Expect the crazies to come out and play tonight but its also a great time to really focus your desires and wishes into the Universe.

However keep in mind lovelies…manifesting what you want is nothing like Hollywood makes it out to be. Just because this moon is super doesn’t mean that if you put a weight lost spell into the Universe tonight you’ll wake up tomorrow a size 5 with an apple booty. Doesn’t work like that. You’ll still have to put in the same amount of effort. And the same stipulations apply: thought dictates energy. Let us not forget spell work is simply the conscious manipulation of energy. If you have doubts about the goals you are attempting to achieve then it doesn’t matter if you literally sat on the damn moon and cast your spell…it wont work!

Stay positive, loving and open to help from the Universe! Especially under this fantastic Super Moon! Happy Manifesting.

Today’s Meditation for the Full Moon:

I graciously accept the Universal assistance I ask for! I am ready and willing to receive all that I ask for!