Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lets Talk about SEX BABY!

So what does sex mean to you?

Is it for pleasure?

To solidify love?

Is it to heal?

Is it to hurt?

I pose these questions in hopes to stir some sincere deep thoughts about how we have sex. Sex is a POWERFUL tool that we have become too afraid to even talk about let alone realize what faculties it holds...

Are you afraid to talk about sex?

Do you feel guilty for fucking?

How does your belief shape the way you feel about your own sexuality?

More on this tantalizingly taboo topic the mean time chew on this...(all pun intended...y'all know I cant stay serious for too long...)

Nityama...helping you step ya sex game up!

Monday, December 9, 2013

The After Math of Polight vs. Hebrew Isrealites!!

I REALLY wish I could be writing about the WHOLE debate but sadly, I cant write from that perspective today. Due to technical difficulties we weren't able to view the live stream as planned but instead got to play around in the chat room, chopping it up with other like minded individuals. (We go into more detail about the debate itself in our upcoming video! Y'all can check that out to hear about our experience with the chat room and live stream!)

Any who, I wanted to throw my humble opinion in on some of the comments made during the aftermath of the debate. As I was lurking through the many videos on different Youtube channels I kept hearing a common theme: We all need to adhere to the SAME spiritual doctrine in order to become strong as a people. I agree and disagree. If we look into the MANY spiritual systems of Africa we find that they didn't all adhere to the same system. We use the Egyptians as a point of reference but laid side by side next to any other system in that VAST continent we find that their systems are not identical nor completely foreign to one another. What we will find are common principles! I wont go into all principles (By all means do that research! Don't let me have all the fun!) for lack of time and space but I feel there is something to be learned here. Even though our ancestors had different names for their Gods, different rituals for honoring the God energies and different creation stories all together they all share the belief that all this energy originated from one great spirit!

Now, if we as black folks can come to an agreement on where we get our energy from (in our case we would have to acknowledge that a very important aspect of spirit is manifested in the black woman; the aspect of creation!) then the rest of the details would become miniscule! We don't HAVE to agree about every single detail BUT WE MUST agree about the source! If we got our principles down pact hell, someone can believe that we float up and dissolve into the moon when we die! Shit, the details wont matter as long as we acknowledge the source...

Peace, Love and Progress
