Thursday, October 15, 2015

Utilizing the Blood Moon Energy!

Did you all catch the blood moon that passed?? Unfortunately it was too cloudy in our area to actually see the fantastic (and ultra rare) event but we were still able to have a blood moon party, put our desires and wishes into the Universe and celebrate! 

The Blood Moon represents BIG CHANGES in ones personal life and the world around them. Change is inevitable so there is no real reason to fear it. Embrace the Blood Moon and the changes it brings by inviting it in with a positive attitude, gratitude and no fear of loss or lack of.

Now that the moon has officially entered the Crone phase (or new moon) its safe to say that blood moon energy isn't as intense but don't fear...its still there! I personally believe energy that powerful will linger around for a bit so take advantage of it while you still can. Here are few things you can do to utilize the last of the energy.

  • Go on a red food fast in honor of the Blood Moon in Aires. This fast can last how ever long you wish it to last. That can be a few hours, days or what ever you like!
  • Get Active! Go for a run, play a sport, do some movement! Aires is a very active sign, this is a good way to honor this energy.
  • Be spontaneous! Just get up and take a walk in the park, go to a sporting event, do something different to your hair (Aries rules the head). 
  • Write down your desires, wishes, spells (whatever you call them) and release them into the Universe. We burn our desires outside under the moon but you do whatever feels best for you.
These are just a few examples of things you can do to utilze the last of this energy. Overall be creative and whatever you do, do it from your heart! Remember, change is not the enemy. It is simply a part of life. Best to just be open during this time and keep a positive attitude. 

Happy Belated Blood Moon!