Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"Are White Men the New Black??" What Kinda Fukin Question is This??

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That BOY is Poooiiisooon!

Relationships. Every woman wants one of these! Regardless of the dynamics or how she thinks it will play out we all aspire to be involved in one. But have we as black women began to compromise our integrity to be in a relationship? 

How can we as black women claim divinity...claim that we ARE the Goddess of the Universe and fuck with anything less than our God counterparts? We out here fucking with NIGGAS...Not Gods. 

So why do we compromise? Fear of being alone? I would go so far as to say we mess with men who we know are no good to validate ourselves. Black women are beat up on a lot in this society. We are constantly told how ugly, masculine and undesirable we are (but at the same time the most imitated woman on the!). This is enough to drive someone to want their beauty, desirability and even their femininity validated by the opposite sex. No matter who the nigga is! 

Have we come to a point where we don't care who the dick is attached to?? Goddesses, are we thinking 'As long as I got dick in my life I'm good!'

I love my sisters. I come from a house full of girls. The only men were my dad and my nephew. I've seen my sisters (blood and just women in general) settle for nothing when we deserve the world at our feet! Goddesses reading this, I ask you to truly think about why we engage in toxic relationships? 

I wont play holier than thou, I've asked myself this question many a times! And it took me a while to come up with the answer....but eventually I found why I was addicted to the high of a toxic union.

Let that marinate...more on the topic of relationships later...

Peace, Love and Progress.

Queen K. 


Monday, November 11, 2013

Are Black Women Jealous of White Women? Well We Shouldn't Be...

Some of yall look like this forreal...

So I was on youtube just a moment ago came across an interesting video. It was a black male who had apparently made a video prior to that one, where he and a white female were flirting with one another, suggesting that there was some type of sexual relationship between the two. He received a lot of flack, as he has been known to do so amongst black women (and men) with his controversial videos criticizing the ratchet state of many black women today. In this particular video, he didn't understand why he had received so many negative comments and views, and went on to suggest that black women are mad about the fact that he was with a white woman. While this is very true, as black women have been all but quiet about our opinions on black men who date interracially, I think we've moved past the point of explaining why this is the case. I also think that it's time for black women to move past these emotions as well, and here's why:

Black women, regardless of what anyone says, you are truly the goddess of the universe. Now don't get me wrong, a goddess is only a goddess if she treats herself as such. What I mean by this is that she recognizes her position and lives her life accordingly. Black women have gone from being put on pedestals and recognized as the most significant aspect of our societies, to bed-wenches, Aunt Jemimahs, video hoes, and baby-mammas. Mama universe knows that its taken a while for us to get here, with tremendous efforts of our oppressors, and we have truly been to the depths of ugliness. So ugly, that we will bleach our skin, perm our hair and cut off our noses, just to get a piece of the "desirability cake". Our own men have turned on us, and even worse, we've turned on ourselves. All the while we continue to uphold white men and women as our validation for potential status.

Nose jobs, weaves, and "lighting" effects

Not gon' cut it in the Aquarian Age...

In this time, we must recognize who we were and who we've come to be. We must get back to our divine ways by first, simply accepting all things natural to us black women, that being our skin, our hair, our Afrikan features. Don't be fooled by the petty images in the media today that are put in place to degrade, confuse, and ultimately control us. What is beauty to you anyway? Surely beauty is connected to health, and in our best state, which is our most NATURAL state, we are among all the most healthy. Learn yourself inside and out, travel the depths of your individuality and share your findings with those who look like you. Celebrate these things and honor them, for they have been the realities and physicality of the best of us throughout history. Could Queen Tiye or Nefertari have run Kemet with the face, style, and mentality of a white woman? Would they have built temples in our names if we were anything less than authentic? What about Harriet Tubman, conscious of her blackness and Ashanti roots? What type of warrior would she have been if she did not adhere to the resilience of her people? If she were truly ashamed of her blackness, would she even have run away, let alone go back and save many others. These women knew who they were, and no white woman could threaten their divinity, not then, not even now.

Trick please...

Original, Unique and Authentic

I go so hard on white women because they represent the image of desirability in this matrix, and whether or not they are truly benefitting from this illusion, it sure as hell is confusing many of us. Black men, caught up in their ego, despite the reality of their condition, are lured by their own delusion of what and who these women are. That is not for us to concern ourselves with. We must take heed of our own delusion before anybody else, as we are the gatekeepers to this physical reality; we have the babies, we call the plays. Understand that self-hatred kills us quicker than racism and imperialism, and love is the key to our true happiness. Start with yourself...

Your Divine Self

Your Divine Mate
