Monday, December 23, 2013


Our generation (you know, 80s and 90s babies) have been taught to fear our genitals, be despised and disgusted with anything that has to do with sex and vehemently reject anyone or anything that handles the topic of erotica frankly. Simultaneously, we can easily access pornographic images (somebody reading this just blushed and denied that last statement with all their heart and soul...its okay young man/woman...we know you watched/watch porn) as well as see sex in ALMOST ALL advertisements targeted at our demographics or younger. Not to mention our beloved Hip-Hop has become a twerk-a-thon according to mainstream (hey, y'all know I don't mind the twerking but that's another topic).

What a god damn paradox we live in! 

Thanks to media and growing up around the rise of the internet I never once as a child wondered where babies came from. I knew the creative act that brought about life, including all the sticky details. I'm just the first to admit out loud, but I'm sure the rest of my generation can say the same. Some of us dove into this act at young ages not really knowing our vaginas/penises. We only really knew the urge they produced was so overwhelming it drove us to satisfy it. Some of us may still operate on this level of sexual consciousness.

Ladies, it is especially important for us to embrace our bodies as sexual and life giving entities as well as the uniqueness of our individual sexualities. We cannot call ourselves Gods while shunning the act and energy that is most associated with the Goddess: Sex and Sexuality. 

Yes, sex is a sacred and highly spiritual act! Our Afrikan ancestors understood this well. We sometimes misinterpret their praise of this sacred act and frown our faces at the nude and erotic archeology of yesteryear. Gods, we are entering into a new age and just like we have began to tear down the old ideologies of religion we NEED to tear down the out dated and patriarchal ideologies about sex. 

What is your level of sexual consciousness?

Peace, Love and Progress

Sunday, December 22, 2013


My, My, My!!! Let me tell you we had a BALL in the chatroom tonight for the debate:

SARA SUTEN SETI VS. NASI. Building on the question: Is the Bible Plagiarized?

If you didn't catch it I don't know what to tell you, I caught wind that SA NETER wont be putting this one up on Youtube but no worries lovelies I'm sure you can snag the DVD at  


More on this topic to come! In the meantime...


Peace, Love and Progress,

Blac Kat