Wednesday, November 13, 2013

That BOY is Poooiiisooon!

Relationships. Every woman wants one of these! Regardless of the dynamics or how she thinks it will play out we all aspire to be involved in one. But have we as black women began to compromise our integrity to be in a relationship? 

How can we as black women claim divinity...claim that we ARE the Goddess of the Universe and fuck with anything less than our God counterparts? We out here fucking with NIGGAS...Not Gods. 

So why do we compromise? Fear of being alone? I would go so far as to say we mess with men who we know are no good to validate ourselves. Black women are beat up on a lot in this society. We are constantly told how ugly, masculine and undesirable we are (but at the same time the most imitated woman on the!). This is enough to drive someone to want their beauty, desirability and even their femininity validated by the opposite sex. No matter who the nigga is! 

Have we come to a point where we don't care who the dick is attached to?? Goddesses, are we thinking 'As long as I got dick in my life I'm good!'

I love my sisters. I come from a house full of girls. The only men were my dad and my nephew. I've seen my sisters (blood and just women in general) settle for nothing when we deserve the world at our feet! Goddesses reading this, I ask you to truly think about why we engage in toxic relationships? 

I wont play holier than thou, I've asked myself this question many a times! And it took me a while to come up with the answer....but eventually I found why I was addicted to the high of a toxic union.

Let that marinate...more on the topic of relationships later...

Peace, Love and Progress.

Queen K. 


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