Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Talk about the Matrix


Frustration sets in as I realize I've been almost 25 years a slave. Since 1989 its been instilled in me to go to school...get a job...and work...for someone else. I followed this path, even though it was obvious that it was leading me to a dead end...I followed it because like so many others in the world I asked myself: What else is there to do out here?!

So I was enslaved to Mizzou for about 5 yrs only to graduate and transfer my servitude to a different company that bought the piece of paper that told them I passed a series of tests over the subject of Psychology. Now I toil away from 8 to 5 feeling like Neo in the middle of the Matrix. 

I searched for whats real in this superficial world. I directed my search lights around the country contemplating Grad School. The application process alone gave me severe anxiety! The thought of having to sit through another program that purposely excludes my history (even though african folks have literally done EVERYTHING) seemed pointless to me. And not to mention I was already over 30 grand in debt and 4-5 yrs of Grad school would make it impossible to pay back.

I was stuck...can anybody feel what I was going through? 

Swear I felt like a runaway slave at times! He can feel me

I was searching for my metaphorical Morphius to free me from the Matrix that is school, jobs and everything that is offered in this society. Now I know y'all probably like, 'girl what are you talking about? You not going back to school?! You tripping...what else can you do out here?!' Let me explain...

I became desperate for answers. I looked high and low for options and stumbled over a gentleman DR. SEBI whom TAUGHT HIMSELF everything he knew. He basically runs his own health business. No degree. No schooling. And curing dis-eases this world deems terminal. I was amazed and estatic to see this man doing his thang! I ran into more incredible people who took up subjects and taught themselves (an astrologer, a lawyer, a real estate agent). An idea began to arise within me. At first I ignored it and labeled it impossible.

But what is impossible if more than a mindset? My escape story from the Matrix may not be as dope as Neo's (even though I wish it was...) and some may look at me and think I'm bat shit crazy...I'm OK with this. I'm beginning to see the programming in front of me (i.e. go to school, get a job, blah, blah, blah, enslavement!). Even though I haven't figured everything out, I KNOW that the previous route is not for me. I value my freedom.

Thus, I am on this road! Walk with us as we develop this company. Two self taught goddesses delivering the message of the Universe...

Peace, Love and Progress

-Jeanie L.H.

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