Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Planetary Positions

P e r s o n a l   P l a n e t s 

Sun: Scorpio
Our Star of the Solar System has now moved into the mysterious, deep sign of Scorpio. Now is a time to look deep into your own Ego and determine what needs to undergo a transformation. 

Moon: LibraRepresented by the scales, Libra is the sign of balance. Now is the time to begin to seek balance in those areas of your life that seem a little off. Emotions should be more diplomatic. 

Mercury: ScorpioThe planet of intellect is now in the very focused sign of Scorpio. Now is the time to focus your mental energy on getting things done. Digging deep and doing research (or lurking...whatever you prefer to call it) can be done with ease around this time. 

Mars: Virgo
The planet of action is in the meticulous sign of the Virgin. Now is a good time to do go back and double check your work for any errors. The details matter a lot at this time. Use this energy to begin to fix, mend or heal any area of your life.

Venus: Virgo 
Work is more enjoyable at this time. Routine is key. Utilize this energy to create a method to the madness of your day. Get a to-do list going and feel accomplished as you happily complete and cross off each task.

O u t e r   P l a n e t s /  G e n e r a t i o n a l   P l a n e t s 

Jupiter: Virgo 
Being the planet of faith and philosophy perhaps this is the year that some will begin to take a more practical approach to faith, spirituality and philosophy. We are less interested in the razzle dazzle of faith and higher learning. Practically is valued over status right now. 

Saturn: Sagittarius
Serious ass Saturn is kicking back and cutting loose for a change in this expansive sign. Now we will focus on building a structure to accomplish our big ambitions. We feel a push to work on our BIG visions for ourself and our lives. We are willing to put in the work to see our larger than life ideas manifest into the physical. 

Uranus: Aires
The rebel planet is taking a trip through rambunctious ass Aires. Expect an uproar and possible chaos. We are looking at structures and institutions that no longer serves us or allows us to be the best that we can be. Recklessness can occur with this combination. Take a few deeps breaths every now and again. 

Pluto: Capricorn 
As a whole we are ready for change and transformation with the structures around us. We now begin to ask the question, "What needs to go?" We are ready to burn it all and like the phoenix watch a new way of being rise out of the ashes.

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